Red Apples

Our Red Apples room caters for children aged 14/16 months – 2 years, our room can hold up to 12 children on a 1:3 ratio.

Our day starts off with breakfast followed by our motivation time. This involves staff and children listening to upbeat music and dancing together in order to promote bonding and to put everybody in a great mood ready for the day ahead.

Throughout the day we also have activities out that link to the EYFS areas of development focusing mainly on the childrens Personal, Social and Emotional, Physical and Communication and Language development. Each child is allocated a key person who works closely with them to support their development in these areas.

Messy play is one of the childrens favourite activities in red apples. We explore a variety of different types including shaving foam, body painting, cornflour, dry and wet pasta, sand and water play.

We promote independence by offering a snack bar twice a day. This involves the children choosing whether they would like snack. This includes a choice of fruit in the morning and choice of a starchy snack in the afternoon.

Red Apples Routine 11.30 - Lunch time
12.00 - Nap time
7.30-8.00 - Early birds 2.00 - Nappy change and snack bar
8.00-8.45 - Breakfast 2.00-2.30 - Free play
8.45-9.00 - Motivation time 2.35 - Tidy up time
9.00-9.45 - Free play/ Focus time 2.40 - Tidy up time
9.20- 9.40 - Nappy change 2.45 - Garden time
9.45 - Tidy up time 3.20 - Wash hands
9.50-10.00 - Group time 3.30 - Tea
10.00 - Snack bar opens 3.50 - Group time
10.00 - Free play 4.00 - Nappy change
10.35 - Tidy up time 4.30 - Free play
10.40 - Get ready for the garden 5.00 - Quiet activities
10.45 - Garden time 5.30 - Tidy up and carpet time
11.20 - Wash hands 6.00-6.30 - Home time